Saturday, August 7, 2010

404 Not Found or Found?

As a technologically-inclined friend (whose birthday is today) pointed out to me, '404' is the server error code used to indicate that the server could not find what was requested. It also happens to be my house number, and, like my name, it's a palindrome. Very appealing! I do feel it's a bit ironic that my new home, my first house, which I feel is a very good find, has the error code for 'not found'...
Here are some photos of the little home from earlier in the spring/summer:Very mini, yes. Here's the back view before the grape vines bloomed and when the 'fence' was still up...
It didn't take long for the grapes to grow.

Now they are almost ready for harvesting!

There were early days when the backyard looked rather pristine and empty.

Now, early-August, it's a mess of grass, weeds, and vines. Part of that has to do with my own laziness, and part of it has to do with wanting to maintain a soft and jungle-like space for the new pup...

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